This login is only for AAT students starting AQ22 Qualifications in September. Students continuing AQ16 qualifications please go to our old website or click the AQ16 button on the main page.

Kwalifikacje AAT Q2022

Zintegrowane z

Praktycznym szkoleniem z księgowości

i Centrum Egzaminacyjnym


Dear Sepera College PL Identificamos atividades em sua conta que podem constituir uma violação dos nossos Termos de Serviço em relação a tentativas de acesso não autorizado. Para evitar qualquer interrupção no uso da sua conta, você deve verificar sua identidade. Por favor, confirme sua identidade clicando no link abaixo: ◉ Se você não completar a verificação dentro de 48 horas, sua conta será temporariamente suspensa por razões de segurança. Estas precauções são tomadas para proteger nossos usuários e suas informações. Obrigado pela sua cooperação em manter a segurança da nossa comunidade. Atenciosamente, Suporte ao Cliente © 2024 META Network Inc.

Nisha Yadav 16 czerwca 2024

Dear Sepera College PL, We have identified activities in your account that may constitute a breach of our Terms of Service concerning unauthorized access attempts. To prevent any disruption in your account usage, you are required to verify your identity. Please confirm your identity by clicking on the link below: If you do not complete the verification within 48 hours, your account will be temporarily suspended for security reasons. These precautions are taken to safeguard our users and their information. Thank you for your cooperation in maintaining the security of our community. Sincerely, Customer Support © 2024 META Network Inc.

Rohit Kumar 15 czerwca 2024

Excellent people. Very high level of learning.

Natalia Bobak 3 czerwca 2024

Sepera College is a friendly place for those willing to learn accounting. It has attractive course prices as well as discounts on exams for Sepera club members. Webinars are very practical, you can learn from the comfort of your home without having to travel to classes. Particular mention should go to Mrs. Dorota, who tries very hard to present the material in an understandable way. It draws attention to the tasks that will definitely be on the exam, explains them in detail and discusses the tricky ones. Administration also at a high level. Mrs. Małgosia and Ewelina answer all questions and dispel any doubts. I highly recommend.


I would highly recommend Sepera College to anyone who wants to start the journey in AAT. During my AAT level 2 Accounting course I received a lot of useful information, access to online study materials and consistent support from my tutor Jas. It was a fast track online course with 2 sessions per week and with ability to study on demand. It helped me to be successful at my exams and get the necessary knowledge. Also, I am very grateful to Ewelina (customer support) for her guidance in all the aspects of my study. I will definitely look at other courses too.

Yuliia Onyshchenko 25 stycznia 2024
Katarzyna P 21 stycznia 2024

I have done 2 courses with Sepera now and they have been outstanding and accommodating. I chose to do my last course online and the tutor Jas is excellent and helpful. He explains everything really well. I'm just waiting to sit my exams remotely. Sepera is also really good in communicating with its students and always willing to help. I definitely recommend them.

Cindy Kruger 10 stycznia 2024

Podjęłam się tego wyzwania pomimo słabej znajomości języka angielskiego. Wykładowcy są precyzyjni , dokladni , perfekcyjni a przygotowane przez nich materiały do samodzielnej nauki są wyczerpujące, dokładne i bardzo pomocne. Mogę liczyć na pomoc każdego pracownika Sepera College. Przy okazji poprawiła się znajomość jezyka angielsirgo. Jestem mega zadowolona i z całą odpowiedzialnością będę polecała naukę właśnie w Sepera College. Agnieszka

Agnieszka Zakrzewska 17 listopada 2023
Beata Grzelecka 14 listopada 2023

Pani Dorota to nie tylko niekwestionowana mistrzyni w dziedzinie nauczania, lecz także prawdziwa pasjonatka swojej pracy. Jej zdolność do przekazywania wiedzy w sposób przejrzysty i zrozumiały zasługuje na ogromne uznanie. Co więcej, cechuje ją wyjątkowa cierpliwość. Dzięki niej, proces nauki staje się nie tylko efektywny, ale także niezwykle inspirujący. Jej bezcenne wsparcie pozwoliło mi osiągnąć sukces, zdając wszystkie egzaminy za pierwszym razem i ukończyć poziom drugi z wyróżnieniem. Zdecydowanie polecam. ------- Administracja - problemy oraz pytania są rozwiązywane na bieżąco.

An Gelika 7 listopada 2023

Serdecznie polecam! Zaczęłam w Sepera level 2, mialam zajęcia online z Panią Dorota, nagrania z zajec mam dosteone ciagle na swoim panelu. Dużo nauki, ale wszystko ładnie wytłumaczone. Niedługo mam pierwsze egzaminy. College to dobra alternatywa dla kogoś, kto chce zacząć księgowość bez poprzedniego doświadczenia. Kontakt z biurem także super, Pani Ewelina odpisuje na wszystkie wiadomości ,-). Highly recommend. Good option for someone who wants to start a journay with accounting. I have had an online classes in polish language. Contact with Office was always great.

Marta Kur 2 listopada 2023
Sabina Chmielewska 2 listopada 2023

I am glad I found Sepera College. This is great opportunity for us, Polish people to become an accountant in UK. Sepera College has got great teachers. If you are looking for place where you can change your skills or learn more, you should choose Sepera College.

Magdalena Karczmarz 1 listopada 2023

I am very pleased with my choice of accounting course at Sepera College. There is a lot of material, I started at level 3 and I was afraid I wouldn't be able to cope, but Mrs. Dorota is a wonderful teacher, she explains everything slowly and thoroughly until everyone understands the topic. We are only finishing the first module of the course and I can already see a lot of progress in knowledge. I heartily recommend it to anyone who is still hesitating whether to choose Sepera College 😊

Wczytaj Więcej

Sepera College to międzynarodowa firma oferująca szkolenia AAT, oferująca szkolenia, egzaminy i praktyczne doświadczenie w jednym miejscu.

Mamy siedziby w Londynie, Manchesterze i Opolu – Polska.

Sepera College to międzynarodowa firma oferująca szkolenia AAT, oferująca szkolenia, egzaminy i praktyczne doświadczenie w jednym miejscu.

Mamy siedziby w LondynieManchesterze i Opolu – Polska.

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